• IPPT_TWINN: Reinforcing the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in polymer processing technologies of the Faculty of Polymer Technology


<strong>Project financing value:</strong> 1.188.125 € Project financing value: 1.188.125 €
<strong>Duration of project:</strong> January 2023 - December 2025 Duration of project: January 2023 - December 2025


The project conducted on the basis of the Grand Agreement for an Action with multiple beneficiaries within the Horizon Europe Framework Programme and the Twinning (HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03) call, project number 101079051.


Global annual consumption of plastics is expected to increase from the current 368 million tons (2019) to 1.1 billion tons in 2050. However, this growth also poses some dangers, such as the increasing amount of plastic waste and a rise in CO2 emissions. One of the ways to tackle these problems is to produce more durable products and to use processing technologies that generate less waste. The IPPT_TWINN project addresses both methods, as more durable products can be manufactured through a better understanding of processing methods and waste can be reduced through the application of new technologies and better waste management.

The main objective of IPPT_TWINN is to increase the knowledge of polymer processing at FTPO. This will be achieved both through joint scientific work with 4 partners from 4 EU countries, covering several advanced processing techniques and through the organization of a series of events such as workshops, summer schools, expert visits, etc.

However, the project is organized in such a way that not only FTPO, but all four partner institutions will make progress in this area. Although partners knowledge largely overlaps, each is a specialist in a particular field, and together they represent a concentration of knowledge in the whole field of modern polymer processing.

The proposed joint research work will improve the research excellence and innovation capacity of researchers at FTPO that will result in more scientific publications in high-impact journals. This will make FTPO more attractive as a partner also for other educational and research institutions. Industry representatives will also be invited to the events to be organized, which will increase the visibility of all partners in the business sector and strengthen cooperation. Last, but not least, one of the main goals of the project is to train researchers, especially the young ones, how to find suitable calls, right partners and to prepare and manage excellent project proposals.


Project Overview


8th IPPT_TWINN workshop - Joining technologies
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8th IPPT_TWINN workshop - Joining technologies

The 8th Workshop it was organized as two days event and held at  IWK - Institute for Plastic Processing and Material Technologies in Rapperswil, Switzerland from 16th and 17th November 2023.

The workshop started with a presentation by Pierre Jousset on the topic of Basics of adhesive bonding technology. In this course the participants learned about different classes of industrial adhesives, how they can be improved and how adhesives work. After the break they had a practical course, where they tested adhesion between different materials with various adhesives.  After lunch was organized a course of Design of bonded joints and From analytical methods to FE simulation, where they also did some calculations.

On the second day, in the morning, they had presentation of Joining technologies and a practical course of different types of joining technologies. They also tested the strength of joined materials. This gave the participants closer look at how these technologies work and how important the adhesion between materials is. 

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