1st Summer school: Composite technologies
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Budapest, Hungary
Date: 28. 08. 2023 - 31. 08. 2023
Venue: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest
Main organizer: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Polymer Engineering
Fee: The Summer school course and the social program is free of charge. Financed by the IPPT_TWINN project.
Who can participate?
Early stage-researchers, Masters and PhD Students, who work or study in the field of polymer or mechanical engineering and wish to deepen their knowledge in the field of polymer composites.
The objectives:
High endurance, lightweight polymer composites are becoming more and more important, not only in high-performance utilizations but also in everyday life. To better understand composite design and manufacturing we invite you to participate in our four-day summer school event in August of 2023.
The course is based on lectures, laboratory work and workshops. In the lectures students will get an in-depth theoretical knowledge of polymer composite materials, production technologies, part design and material properties.
In the laboratory sessions the students will be divided into smaller groups and work with injection molding, vacuum infusion, autoclave and thermoplastic resin transfer molding machines. Students will get a better understanding of the processing parameters, production cycle and critical production aspects. They will also compare produced polymer composite parts with unreinforced polymer parts by measuring main material properties in the laboratory.
Will you join us?
Registration: hajagossz@pt.bme.hu, by 1st August 2023