5th IPPT_TWINN wokrshop - Foam injection molding and back film molding of plastic and metal foils
Insitute for Materials Technology and Plastics Porcessing (IWK), Rapperswil, Switzerland
The workshop started with a presentation by Curdin Wick about Institute for Materials Engineering and Plastics Processing. This was followed by the first lecture on Advanced Injection Moulding Technologies. After lunch, there was a tour of Netstal, an injection moulding machine company. On the second day, in the morning, we had a practical demonstration of some of the Advanced Injection Moulding Technologies. This gave us a closer look at Foam IM, Metal foil IM and Foil back IM. The workshop continued with a lecture on multi-component injection moulding and concluded with a lecture about tooling for advanced injection moulding technologies.