News 2nd IPPT_TWINN conference - International experts debate in Zaragoza on the present and future of bio-based products The recycling of bio-based materials is one of the challenges of the future and is of concern to sectors such as aeronautics, construction and the automotive industry. European and American universities and different entities have come together in this conference.
News 12th IPPT-TWINN WORKSHOP: Workshop on challenges, trends and solutions in recycling materials The 12th workshop took place in Centro Cultural La Corrala, Madrid, Spain as the final conference of three BBI-JU-funded projects (Bizente, Enzycle, and Recover). The title of the event was Three Bio Paths, One Solution for Plastics.
News 11th IPPT-TWINN WORKSHOP: Workshop on the processing of advanced fiber reinforced components The first day of the 11th workshop occurred at Spanish National Reasearch Council (CSIC) in Madrid, Spain, where workshop participants got a brief overview on their research topics, research equipment, and collaboration between Aitiip and CSIC. The following two days took place at the partner institution Aitiip, Zaragoza, Spain. The first day at Aitiip started with a presentation of the institution's research topics and capabilities.
News 10th IPPT_TWINN workshop: Composite Technologies: Materials nad processing of advanced fiber reinforced components The 10th workshop took place at the partner institution IWK (Institut für Werkstofftechnik und Kunststoffverarbeitung) in Rapperswil, Switzerland.
News Staff exchange at Polymer Competence Center Leoben (PCCL) in March 2024 As part of the weekly exchanges of FTPO researchers and technical associates, assistant Rebeka Lorber and technical associate Rajko Bobovnik went to the Polymer Competence Center Leoben (PCCL) from 10. to 15. March 2024.
News Staff visit at partner institution AITIIP in February 2024 Within the weekly exchanges of FTPO researchers, Assoc. prof. dr. Klementina Pusnik Črešnar was in February hosted at the Center AITIIP in Zaragoza (Spain). AITIIP center is known for its research, development and innovation in the field materials, especially in the development of recycled plastics materials. Research work, led by Julio Vidal (PhD) and Klementina Pušnik Črešnar (PhD), was based on the development of an important environmental topic, that is, how to promote the recycling of thermosets with nanotechnology.
News 9th IPPT_TWINN Workshop - T- RTM technology The 9h Workshop on T-RTM technology was held at Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Budapest, Hungary.
Conferences Succesfull 1ST IPPT_TWINN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: Challenges, trends and solutions in developing and processing recycled materials On September 21 and 22, 2023, as part of the IPPT_TWINN project, the international conference on topic Challenges, trends and solutions in developing and processing recycled polymer materials was organized. The conference was organized and held at Faculty of Polymer Technology in Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia.
News 8th IPPT_TWINN workshop - Joining technologies The 8th Workshop it was organized as two days event and held at IWK - Institute for Plastic Processing and Material Technologies in Rapperswil, Switzerland from 16th and 17th November 2023.
News 7th IPPT_TWINN workshop - Dynamic tool heating The 7th Workshop was held at IWK - Institute for Plastic Processing and Material Technologies in Rapperswil, Switzerland on 25th November 2023.
News 6th IPPT_TWINN workshop - Sensor based technology in injection molding - industry 4.0 The two day Workshop was held at the premises of Budapest University of Technology and Economics on 24. and 25. October 2023.
News 5th IPPT_TWINN wokrshop - Foam injection molding and back film molding of plastic and metal foils The workshop started with a presentation by Curdin Wick about Institute for Materials Engineering and Plastics Processing. This was followed by the first lecture on Advanced Injection Moulding Technologies.
News 3rd IPPT_TWINN workshop - Additive manufacturing The 3rd IPPT_TWINN workshop at Aitiip provided an overview of 3D printing processes for polymers and metals and their trends from a cost efficiency and sustainability perspective.
Summer schools Succesfull 1ST IPPT_TWINN Summer school in Budapest Between August 28 and 31, 2023, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) hosted a summer school on the topic of composite technologies. The summer school was attended by 15 participants, including four FTPO representatives.
News 4th IPPT_TWINN workshop - Design for injection moulding The workshop was held on the 15th and 16th of June 2023 at Centro Tecnologico (AITIIP) in Zaragoza (Spain).
News 2nd IPPT_TWINN workshop - Injection molding and rapid tooling, May 2023 The workshop was opened on the 11th of May with theoretical basics with Dr. Bela Zink holding presentation on Injection moulding background, followed by presentation of Krizsma Szabolcs titled Trends in soft mould (RPT).
News Presentation of IPPT_TWINN at International Symposium on Smart Materials Our project partner from Polymer Competence Center Leoben (PCCL) is organizing the “International Symposium on Smart Materials” in Leoben (Austria), June 14-15, 2023.
News 1st IPPT_TWINN workshop - Additive manufacturing, April 2023 The 1st IPPT_TWINN workshop on additive manufacturing was successfully conducted in April 2023 at the project partner IWK in Rapperswil.
News Kick-off meeting On 12th January 2023 the leading partner of the project IPPT_TWINN Faculty of Polymer Technology organized a kick-off meeting in Slovenj Gradec.
Newsletters 2nd Newsletter The 2st IPPT_TWINN newsletter is issued. It summarizes the project activities in the period from June to December 2023.
Newsletters 1st Newsletter The 1st IPPT_TWINN newsletter is issued. It summarizes the project activities in the period from January to June 2023.