


11th IPPT-TWINN WORKSHOP: Workshop on the processing of advanced fiber reinforced components

The first day of the 11th workshop occurred at Spanish National Reasearch Council (CSIC) in Madrid, Spain, where workshop participants got a brief overview on their research topics, research equipment, and collaboration between Aitiip and CSIC. The following two days took place at the partner institution Aitiip, Zaragoza, Spain. The first day at Aitiip started with a presentation of the institution's research topics and capabilities.

Staff visit at partner institution AITIIP in February 2024

Within the weekly exchanges of FTPO researchers, Assoc. prof. dr. Klementina Pusnik Črešnar was in February hosted at the Center AITIIP in Zaragoza (Spain). AITIIP center is known for its research, development and innovation in the field materials, especially in the development of recycled plastics materials. Research work, led by Julio Vidal (PhD) and Klementina Pušnik Črešnar (PhD), was based on the development of an important environmental topic, that is, how to promote the recycling of thermosets with nanotechnology.

8th IPPT_TWINN workshop - Joining technologies

The 8th Workshop it was organized as two days event and held at  IWK - Institute for Plastic Processing and Material Technologies in Rapperswil, Switzerland from 16th and 17th November 2023.

Succesfull 1ST IPPT_TWINN Summer school in Budapest

Between August 28 and 31, 2023, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) hosted a summer school on the topic of composite technologies. The summer school was attended by 15 participants, including four FTPO representatives.


Kick-off meeting

On 12th January 2023 the leading partner of the project IPPT_TWINN Faculty of Polymer Technology organized a kick-off meeting in Slovenj Gradec.


2nd Newsletter

The 2st IPPT_TWINN newsletter is issued. It summarizes the project activities in the period from June to December 2023. 


1st Newsletter

The 1st IPPT_TWINN newsletter is issued. It summarizes the project activities in the period from January to June 2023.