11th IPPT-TWINN WORKSHOP: Workshop on the processing of advanced fiber reinforced components
The first day of the 11th workshop occurred at Spanish National Reasearch Council (CSIC) in Madrid, Spain, where workshop participants got a brief overview on their research topics, research equipment, and collaboration between Aitiip and CSIC. The following two days took place at the partner institution Aitiip, Zaragoza, Spain. The first day at Aitiip started with a presentation of the institution's research topics and capabilities. It continued with introducing recycling processing technologies, presentation of pretreatments for recycling and presentation of mechanical recycling. After lunch the potential of extrusion-compounding for recycled materials and related post-processes as thermoplastic recycling technology were presented. For the last activity in the day, participants visited Tecnopackaging extrusion-compounding facilities. On the second day at Aitiip participants first visited the materials characterization laboratory, where they could see characterization and synthesis equipment, then they visited pilot plastic processing technologies that are dealing with valorisation of recycled materials into final product. After coffee break SSbD and circular principles were presented. And for the final part of the workshop participants got a look in alternative recycling technologies and different success stories and case studies for 3D printing.