


10th IPPT_TWINN workshop: Composite Technologies: Materials nad processing of advanced fiber reinforced components
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10th IPPT_TWINN workshop: Composite Technologies: Materials nad processing of advanced fiber reinforced components

The 10th workshop took place at the partner institution IWK (Institut für Werkstofftechnik und Kunststoffverarbeitung) in Rapperswil, Switzerland. The workshop started with a short presentation of IWK, followed by the first lecture on composite manufacturing technologies. After a coffee break, the participants were treated to a practical workshop on the topic of vacuum infusion, where they prepared a fiberglass composite by themselves. This was followed by an introductory lecture on the topic of structural and process simulations of composites, followed by a practical workshop in which they themselves carried out a simulation using the myRTM program. On the second day, the workshop began with a tour of Swiss Fibertec AG, which develops and manufactures carbon composites.
The content of the entire workshop was very varied and interesting, especially practical demonstrations of individual production processes, where the participants could prepare the composites themselves according to the instructions.

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